personal projects

NFL Bot Logo NFL Bot Tweet

NFL Statsbot

Using my experience from constructing Mask Bot, I created NFL Statsbot. The Twitter bot tweets out a random statistic for one of the tens of thousands of players in the NFL since 1999, or a team statistic. Additionally, any Twitter user can tag the bot with parameters to obtain a specific statistic. The statistics are obtained from play by play data from NFLFastR, and there over 100 statistics users can choose from. The source code and details for the bot can be found here.

  • python
  • twitter API
Community Graph

Optimizing the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines

In a team of 4, we formulated a novel convex optimization problem of general resource distribution, specifically applying it to the current issue of effective vaccine distribution. After formulating the problem, we constructed models simulating various critical componennts of society as it pertains to COVID-19, such as a school or grocery store. We then applied our formulatoin to these models, as well as combinations of these models to simulate a communtiy. Our paper can be found here.

  • python
  • cvxpy
  • convex optimization
Community Graph
Mask bot logo

Mask Bot

I developed an automated Twitter bot which replies to tweets of images of groups of people that are not wearing masks. This was created during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the intention of trying to urge as many people to wear masks. The bot used a computer vision face mask detection model to identify faces without masks. The source code for the bot can be found here.

  • python
  • computer vision
  • twitter API

Social University Platform

I created an iOS app using React Native, NodeJS, and Firebase to connect students at UCSD with clubs and organizations in a team of 10, applying an Agile workflow.

  • javascript
  • react native
  • nodeJS
  • Firebase
Spotify Mad Libs Screen

Spotify Mad Libs

Constructed a React/Node Web Application using the Spotify API, which displays amusing messages based on the user’s top artists and tracks, and allows for user input of verbs, adjectives, and nouns.

  • reactJS
  • nodeJS
  • html
  • css
Football Spreadsheet

Football Analytics and Odds Web Scraper

Using JavaScript, created an automated program to scrape statistics from various websites, the odds for each game, and update scores hourly.

  • javascript
Football Spreadsheet